“It’s not just an advisor-student relationship; it’s a relationship where you can really open up about your experience.”

These were the sentiments of Marilyn, a student in Bottom Line’s Success program.

Marilyn was thriving academically last semester. Her desire to help and protect those around her and her interest in an action-oriented career came together in her study of criminal justice and her dream of becoming a detective after graduation. Her college environment, however, left her feeling isolated and concerned about her finances. A studious and motivated student, Marilyn struggled with finding like-minded friends at her college, which had a prevalent party scene dominated by Greek Life, which was cost-prohibitive for her. The social isolation was exacerbated by financial worries. Due to limited and unreliable transportation, finding part-time work to supplement her financial aid was difficult.

Marilyn was at a crossroads. While she was eager to continue her education, she knew the college she was attending wasn’t the right fit for her. Despite feeling socially isolated on campus, she knew that she didn’t have to face these challenges alone. Marilyn met with her Bottom Line advisor regularly, and together they discussed different ways she could overcome the challenges she was facing.

After much deliberation, Marilyn chose to transfer to Harold Washington College. Marilyn worked closely with her Bottom Line advisor to create a project-management timeline of everything she needed to complete to ensure the transfer went smoothly. Marilyn felt confident knowing that she could schedule regular meetings with her advisor through every step of the transfer process, from ensuring that she had the financial aid to transfer to Harold Washington College, to ensuring the classes she registered for would count toward her criminal justice major. Together, they worked tirelessly to ensure Marilyn stayed on track to achieve her educational and future career goals.

Today, Marilyn is thriving academically, emotionally, and socially. At Harold Washington College, Marilyn has found a diverse group of supportive friends that make her feel a part of her college community. Not only is it a more affordable college choice, its location in the Chicago Loop has also made finding part-time work far more accessible for her. Marilyn is inspired by her professors and classes that provide the mental rigor she craves. Rejuvenated by her new educational environment, she is excited to continue exploring the criminal justice field.

Marilyn partnered with Bottom Line to ensure she had the practical and emotional support she needed to transfer to a college that would be the best fit for her to be successful. After completing her Associate’s Degree, Bottom Line will continue to work with Marilyn in her pursuit of a career in law enforcement by supporting her through her Bachelor’s Degree and helping her select a university for her Master’s Degree.



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